Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C. | 05/26/2024 | Pastor's LetterThis weekend’s celebration of the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is a special one. Every Sunday we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus and every time we begin Mass - or the blessing before a meal or our bedtime prayers for that matter - we pray In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. By invoking our God in His Three Persons so often we call to mind this central mystery of our faith: God loves in relationship, among Three Persons.
Pentecost Sunday
by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C. | 05/19/2024 | Pastor's LetterIf you ever have a chance to visit Arizona State University at its Tempe Campus, I hope you’ll begin your tour with a stop at the All Saints Catholic Newman Center. They have a wonderful Blessed Sacrament Chapel where you can Adore the Lord in the Real Presence. The students and young campus ministers are very welcoming and surely they will show off the murals in the main church. Fr. Rob Clements (their terrific director and pastor - and a great friend to our parish!) has been having these commissioned and installed over the past decade and is rightly proud of how beautifully they have turned out.
Ascension of the Lord
by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C. | 05/12/2024 | Pastor's LetterMany of us remember when The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord was celebrated on “Ascension Thursday.” For various reasons, in most places in the United States it is now celebrated on the Sunday following 40 days of Easter. It’s hard to believe how fast time flies, isn’t it? We’ve now been giving glory to God for Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Morning for over 40 days! That’s more than the entire Lenten observance which preceded our great paschal celebration.
6th Sunday of Easter
by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C. | 05/05/2024 | Pastor's LetterAs we continue the Easter celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection from the dead, our Sunday Masses are going through the first months and years of the Church, newly founded and told in The Acts of the Apostles. Besides being our “family story” in the faith, it tells us how the Apostles and early Christians understood what God was revealing about Himself through Jesus. Since they were mostly Jews, these men and women understood God to be One, Holy, the Creator, the Lawgiver and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He had formed a special covenant with Israel, God’s Chosen People.