From the Pastor
by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C. | 07/02/2023 | Pastor's LetterThis section of the Gospel according to Matthew always encourages and strengthens me. Jesus is so clear to His apostles (and now to all of us disciples): "Fear no one..what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops... Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul..." Matthew 10:26-28
It reminds us of what our wonderful and holy father Saint John Paul II said at his installation Mass and would repeat for the rest of his life: Be Not Afraid! It became sort of a motto for him. He proclaimed it to the young people at World Youth Days, to Latin Americans and Europeans suffering under communism, to the Church in Africa enduring famines and persecution. He spoke it to couples and families going through terrible stress and the sick in their illnesses. Of course, John Paul II was just repeating what Jesus told His disciples time and again: Be not afraid!
ContinueFrom the Pastor
by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C. | 06/18/2023 | Pastor's LetterI'm probably one of the few in the Valley of the Sun right now glad to be back in the sunshine and heat... but it's because was crazy enough to head east this week. Fr. Andrew, Fr. Brian and along with 250 other priests and brothers, attended the Holy Cross Assembly at Notre Dame in Indiana. It was mid-50 degrees, overcast, and rainy all week but the Holy Spirit kept our hearts on fire!
Every five years all Holy Cross brothers and priests serving in the United States, Canada, Mexico and South America come together to pray, reflect and enjoy some fraternity. We share with each other stories from our parishes, schools and universities. As well, we pray for all those we serve including SJV! Many want to come and visit our parish. You all are rightly famous for being zealous for Christ and welcoming to visitors.
ContinueFrom the Pastor
by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C. | 06/11/2023 | Pastor's LetterThe great saint and "Pope of the Eucharist', St. Pius X, famously wrote: "Holy Communion is the shortest and safest way to Heaven. There are others: innocence, but that is for little children; penance, but we are afraid of it; generous endurance of trials of life, but when they come we weep and ask to be delivered. The surest, easiest, shortest way is the Eucharist. Today we are celebrating the Body and Blood of Christ (in Latin Corpus Christi) and come hungry to receive Him who promises us eternal life! He's the only one who can save us.
ContinueFrom the Pastor
by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C. | 06/04/2023 | Pastor's LetterThank you so much to everyone for your messages of prayer and offers of help as I begin the pastor's ministry here at St. John Vianney Parish. I am humbled to follow in Father Paul's footsteps, and I am really grateful to him for his wisdom, example and brotherhood the past year since I arrived; also, to my brother priests Father Tom (who was also my novice-master and has been source of priestly wisdom and inspiration since 2004!), Father Andrew, and Father Brian. Please keep praying for me! My Spanish and my jokes will get better, I promise!
ContinueVeni Sancte Spiritus!
by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C. | 05/28/2023 | Pastor's LetterSince the 1200's our Catholic Church has sung the sacred hymn, called the Sequence, to the Holy Spirit at Mass on Pentecost. It begins with the Latin words, Veni Sancte Spiritus, meaning "Come Holy Spirit", and continues:
You, of comforters the best;
You, the soul's most welcome guest;
Sweet refreshment here below;
In our labor, rest most sweet;
Grateful coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of woe.
Happy Catholic Schools Week
by Doug Weivoda, Principal of St. John Vianney Catholic School | 01/29/2023 | Pastor's LetterHello St. John Vianney Parish Families, Happy Catholic Schools Week! Fr. Paul has allowed me space in this week's bulletin, so that I can share a little about myself and about St. John Vianney Catholic School.
First of all for those that may not know me, I am Doug Weivoda. I have been the Principal of St. John Vianney Catholic School since 2013 and a parishioner of SJV since I went through RCIA here in 2008. St. John Vianney is my home, it is where I became Catholic, where I got married, and where each of my four children have, or will, receive all their Sacraments and his or her education.
Continue¡Feliz Semana de las Escuelas Catélicas!
by Doug Weivoda, Director de Escuela Catdlica San Juan Vianney | 01/29/2023 | Pastor's LetterHola Familias de la Parroquia de San Juan Vianney,
¡Feliz Semana de las Escuelas Catélicas! El Padre Pablo me ha permitido un espacio en el boletin de esta semana, para que pueda compartir un poco sobre mi y sobre la Escuela Catélica San Juan Vianney.
En primer lugar, para aquellos que no me conocen, soy Doug Weivoda. He sido el director de la Escuela Catolica San Juan Vianney desde 2013 y un feligrés de SJV desde que participé en RICA aqui en 2008. San Juan Vianney es mi hogar, es donde me converti en catélico, donde me casé, y donde cada uno de mis cuatro hijos han, o recibiran, todos sus sacramentos y su educacion.
ContinueLive Your Vocation
by Fr. Paul Ybarra, C.S.C., V.F. | 01/22/2023 | Pastor's LetterDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The vocation of the four apostles, which is at the heart of today's Gospel, is a call to reflect on our own vocation to imitate Christ.
The account of the apostolic vocation that we have just heard, shows us three elements: the first, the call by Jesus: "Come with me"; second, the response of those called: "They instantly, leaving the nets behind, followed him" and third, the mission for those who are called, "I will make you fishers of men."
ContinueVen después de Mí
by Padre Pablo Ybarra, C.S.C., V.F. | 01/22/2023 | Pastor's LetterQueridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,
La vocacion de los cuatro apéstoles, que esta en el centro del Evangelio de hoy, es una llamada a reflexionar sobre nuestra propia vocacién a imitar a Cristo.
El relato de la vocacion apostélica que acabamos de escuchar, nos muestra tres elementos: el primero, la llamada de Jesus: "Venid conmigo"; segundo, la respuesta de los llamados: "Al instante, dejando las redes, le siguieron" y tercero, la mision de los llamados: "Os haré pescadores de hombres".
ContinueTempus Fugit
by Padre David Halm, C.S.C. | 01/15/2023 | Pastor's Letter¿Ha oido alguna vez este dicho en latin: que "Tempus fugit? ("El tiempo vuela")? Si eres Caballero de Colén seguro que si, ya que éste es el lema de la Orden. Probablemente hayas visto "Tempus fugit" en varios lugares de tu vida y quizas no le hayas dado importancia. Mientras crecia en Ohio, recuerdo haberlo visto inscrito en el gran reloj del abuelo de nuestra casa. Pero es una forma curiosa de decir que el tiempo pasa rapidamente, ino? Los pajaros y los aviones vuelan, el tiempo pasa o se va. Y, sin embargo, probablemente todos estariamos de acuerdo en que tempus fugit es bastante exacto, que el tiempo parece ir tan rapido que "vuela".
ContinueTempus Fugit
by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C. | 01/15/2023 | Pastor's LetterHave you ever heard this Latin saying: that “Tempus fugit? (“Time flies”)? If you're a Knight of Columbus you certainly have, as this is the motto of the Order. You've probably seen “Tempus fugit" in various places in your life and maybe didn’t give it a thought. Growing up in Ohio I remember seeing it inscribed on the large grandfather- clock in our home. But it's a funny way to say that time passes rapidly, isn't it? Birds and planes fly, time passes or goes by. And yet we all would probably agree that tempus fugit is pretty accurate, that time seems to go so quickly that it “flies.”
ContinueSolemnidad de María, Madre de Dios
by Padre Pablo Ybarra, C.S.C., V.F. | 01/01/2023 | Pastor's LetterQueridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,
Quisiera reflexionar sobre el fenómeno de Nuestra Señora y la devoción a Ella. Conocemos la importancia de María para la Nueva Evangelización de la Iglesia. En Ella se encuentra ese espíritu nuevo que la Iglesia necesita para afrontar los problemas de hoy y construir el mundo de mañana. Ella, de este modo, es un modelo perfecto de la Iglesia del futuro.
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
by Fr. Paul Ybarra, C.S.C., V.F. | 01/01/2023 | Pastor's LetterDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I would like to reflect on the phenomena of Our Lady and devotion to her. We know the importance of Mary for the New Evangelization of the Church. In her is found that new spirit that the church needs to face the problems of today and to build the world of tomorrow. She, in this way, is a perfect model of the Church of the future.