Outreach & Fellowship
Cursillo: English
The Cursillo experience renews one’s faith and gives a deeper understanding of our Christian commitment as Catholics.
The Cursillo integrates our faith and beliefs into our daily environment. This experience starts with a weekend retreat that is part study, education, celebration, and part discovery. While the Cursillo lasts just one weekend, you get the tools to persevere for the rest of your life. We teach group reunions and have “Ultreyas” for community growth and strength in Christ.
Fellowship of Catholic Christian Women (FWWC)
All women are welcome to be part of the ministry.
Morning Group
Fellowship of Catholic Christian Women meet to deepen, understand, and strengthen their spiritual faith. Our ministry provides an environment that is; supportive, trusting, loving, and caring. We grow together in faith to set an example for ourselves, our families, and others in our community.
Evening Group
Our mission is to connect all women in sisterhood, helping them grow in Christ through His radiance. As we grow close to God, we encourage women who seek the harmony, fulfillment, and peace of the Holy Spirit to love in Christ’s name and never lose sight of what is so important; God’s love and His word.
Men's Fellowship Group
The Men's Fellowship Group at St. John Vianney Parish create an environment where men can come together to pray, love and support one another as they grow in their faith journey and strive to be more like Jesus.
As each man is called to use his gifts, talents, and uniqueness to be sacrificial leaders within their family as a domestic church; they are also called on to be that same model of the sacrificial love of our Lord on the Cross. We strive to extend that encounter with Jesus to all, which the Holy Spirit places in front of each man. We desire to establish communication with all ministries, to pray, listen and connect so that all can experience the power of the Holy Spirit through the Body of Christ.
All men are welcome to this ministry.
That Life
Are you between the ages of 18 to 35? Are you looking for something to do with other people with other like- minded people your age to grow in friendship and faith ... and have fun doing it?
We are the group for you! Whether you go to Mass daily or if this is your first time in the Church since your First Communion, we want you to join us. Our group is for all young adults – single or married, a parent or not, members of SJV or not – who want to form friendships and grow in their faith simultaneously. So bring your friends along too! We have three events each month: a social one, one which is a talk on faith geared to young adults our age which we call "Spiritual Servings"; and one faith and fun night where we mix the two, gathering to grow in our faith and to do something social.
Youth Ministry
The purpose of our youth and young adult ministries is to bring the youth and young adults to a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
We strive to educate our youth and young adults about what being a true disciple of Jesus Christ really is. We have a high school youth ministry program that helps and supports teenagers in making decisions in their life that reflect their faith values. The young adult ministry comes together to share their experiences and open up the word of God. The Youth Ministry program also offers Bible study and continued education for those teens that have received all their sacraments.