Fourth Sunday of Easter

by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C.  |  04/21/2024  |  Pastor's Letter

You may have noticed that this year we celebrated the Annunciation on April 8, not the usual March 25, as that date fell during the Easter Octave (those 8 days of Resurrection celebration.) We don’t typically move holy days around - so it tells us just how important the Easter Octave is that the Church wants us focused the whole time on Jesus’ resurrection… AND how important that we still celebrate the Announcement by Archangel Gabriel to Mary that the Eternal Son of God would be conceived as a human baby in her womb.

The corny joke going around among priests is that now we have to move Christmas this year to Jan. 8, since that will be 9 months after Jesus’ conception…

Importantly, celebrating the Annunciation each year reminds us that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” not on Christmas morning but on the day He was conceived by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mother Mary. Ask any mom and dad when their baby begins to live and grow and they’ll assure us it’s at conception. It’s why we as family and friends fret so much to make sure moms and babies are in safe and healthy environments and are able to get to check ups and medicine.

It’s certainly why we rejoice every time a court or legislature upholds our babies’ right to birth and life. We must keep the politicians and judges in prayer that they may always recognize how wonderful every human life is and never permit them to be legally killed.

Of course, in addition to prayer, we know the Good Lord told us that whatsoever we do to the least of His brothers and sisters we do to Him. You don’t have to wait until a baby is born to help them with basic necessities… we can right now by helping their parents through Aid to Women Center’s annual Baby Bottle Drive at SJV. It’s pretty straightforward - take a bottle and fill it with coins and bills and ATWC spends it on medical & psychological care, food, clothes, diapers and car seats. Last year we SJV parishioners donated $17,000 in this drive. That’s a lot of full baby bottles!!!

We love babies, kids and parents here. We also love middle-aged and elderly people. We love the poor and rich, native Arizonans and newcomers, introverts and extroverts. Jesus died and rose for us all and we’ve got to help each other, in His Name.

Thank you for your prayers and Christian love for each other. May you have peace in your homes and hearts this week, in Christ,

Fr. David