SVdP Panty

by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C.  |  01/21/2024  |  Pastor's Letter

Thanks to the wonderful generosity of so many of you and your commitment to serving Jesus by serving his vulnerable brothers and sisters the SJV Pantry is one of our largest ministries. Week in, week out our many volunteers, led by Deacon Bill Booth and his amazing leadership team, receive, organize and distribute food to those who seek it.

Thanks to the great record-keeping of Maureen Maloney we can share with you how far all these donations and hours go - last year the Pantry helped 1,035 families (4,180 people!), gathering dozens of truckloads of food and raising $46,800! At Thanksgiving over 750 food bags were distributed. The vast majority of the food that is given out is dry and non-perishable but as the cost of frozen meat and other perishable items has risen so much and so quickly that cash is stretched a long way. Thank you so much!

The SJV Pantry was founded in 2015 and built on the great legacy of the St. Vincent de Paul Society here at St. John Vianney. As St. John wrote "for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen." (1 John 4:20) Of course there are many ways to love our brothers and sisters (starting with kindness, forgiveness and friendship) but you'll notice the lists of the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy on the bulletin boards in front of the Church.

We take very seriously Jesus' call and command to serve all people, especially those in need. Of course this requires caring for their physical needs like food and shelter, but also caring for their spiritual needs. The SJV Pantry prays together and prays with those who come here. No one is denied help and everyone is invited to join us in worship, to receive sacraments and learn more about Christ and our faith. This is what makes our Catholic service so important - we care for the body and the soul, helping people to navigate the difficulties of life on earth so as to arrive safely in heaven!

Please continue to pray for all who serve and are served by the SJV Pantry. know we all will continue to be generous in bringing food and donations. If you are interested in helping the Pantry in additional ways, please call our parish office and they'll get you in touch with Deacon Bill. Throughout the year keep an eye on the "Pantry Corner" in the weekly SJV Bulletin for photos and information.

God bless you all and your families! Remember, the family that prays together stays together!

Fr. David