From the Pastor

by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C.  |  11/12/2023  |  Pastor's Letter

160 years ago this week, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, our great President Abraham Lincoln helped to dedicate the battlefield cemetery. There he famously observed:

“The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced.”

This weekend we celebrate the veterans of our United States Armed Services and pray for them and their families. As President Lincoln said, we the living have a mission to continue their work in defending and extending liberty. As followers of Jesus and members of His Church we are blessed to be peacemakers and we hunger and thirst for righteousness. How blessed are the veterans whose righteous service to our nation has helped protect our peace.

As well as praying in Mass (and I hope in our homes as families) we are honoring our veterans in a special way here in the parish’s Centro Santa Cruz at the Knights of Columbus’ 2023 “Veterans & Service Personnel Dinner.” Knights and their families, friends, and neighbors of the veterans and of course many veterans and their families are gathering for speeches, toasts, and prayer. This year the VSP Dinner honors two American heroes, both sons of our SJV parish, Elíseo Félix, Jr., and Edwin “Skip” Hopler. Both offered their lives and their lives’ service to our nation in love of God and family. May these men rest in peace and glory eternal and their families be blessed with consolation.

Please join me in thanking all veterans of our parish and praying for all who are currently serving. May Jesus Christ always guide you and send His angels and saints to protect you.

Peace and blessings to all,

Fr. Davidi Halm, C.S.C.