From the Pastor

by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C.  |  10/29/2023  |  Pastor's Letter

Time seems to be flying even faster than normal, doesn't it? Fr. Tom and I saw a Christmas-themed commercial on television the other night and remembered that it wasn't too long ago when the "holiday shopping season" began the day after Thanksgiving. Now it's starting before Halloween! Such are the times. Although we Christians live in the world - and most of us buy both Halloween candy and Christmas presents! -we are not "of the world" and keep our eyes focused on the coming of Jesus. Saint Paul wrote to our Christian ancestors (though it holds true for us) "you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God and to await his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus, who delivers us from the coming wrath."

Let's keep our "eyes on the prize" and not let the bad news discourage us or the secular holiday festivities distract us from the faith we have rightly placed in Jesus Christ! Our neighbors, teammates, and co-workers notice that unlike everyone else we Christians have HOPE... and as St. Peter wrote "Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope." (1 Peter 3: 15) Afterward, when they're ready to receive Christ in their hearts and hold the same hope we do, please give me a call and we can get them baptized and living in the sacraments.

Or, maybe you are a parent or grandparent who is planning to have a child baptized. As my own grandma always says "there's no time like the present!", call the parish office and let's get it scheduled! If there is an issue with Godparents or paperwork, trust me - we'll figure it out! Most important is to get all our kiddos baptized and announce the Good News of Jesus to everyone we meet.

So, we've got work to do! Please take a few minutes to read through the many ways you can praise the Lord and grow in faith this week at SJV. And please keep praying together in your homes as a family. The family that prays together stays together!

Fr. David Halm, C.S.C.
