From the Pastor

by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C.  |  10/15/2023  |  Pastor's Letter

Each October we celebrate the Rosary, although of course we pray it throughout the year. Venerable Fr. Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., (1909-1992) was a priest of our Congregation of Holy Cross and was famous for his “Rosary Rallies” and “The Family Rosary” in which he encouraged families to gather together in their homes and pray the rosary. He coined the phrases “The Family the Prays Together, Stays Together” and “A World at Prayer is a World at Peace.

Here in Arizona we follow his example of large gatherings in prayer at the Arizona Rosary Celebration, held yesterday in Tucson and today in Phoenix. Catholics from across the State and dozens from SJV are praying today in-person with the Bishop at the Convention Center that our Blessed Mother Mary pray for us and protect us.

Father Peyton’s wisdom still holds true - we all desire peace and for our families to stay together, so please find time this week to gather all together as a family and pray the rosary. It’s as easy as picking a day, getting everyone together and will only cost you 20 minutes - worth every minute!

The Legion of Mary has been gathering after SJV Masses to say the rosary in our new Grotto. Please consider joining. We are very excited for the new statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe to arrive, hopefully this week!

Speaking of families staying together, we have kicked off our year-long reflection of St. John Paul II’s beautiful Letter to Families (1981) called Familiaris Consortio in our Religious Education parent meetings and we’re about to in the school parent meetings. It’s available on if you would like to read along with us. There is so much beauty and wisdom in his letter and we will grow to have a deeper appreciation and understanding of the family in our study. The Holy Father wrote:

“When they become parents, a husband and wife receive from God the gift of a new responsibility. Their parental love is called to become for the children the visible sign of the very love of God, ‘from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named.’” (FC.14)

Let’s pray for and with our families, every day and thank God for His blessings in our homes.

Next weekend we will have a chance to celebrate with a very special SJV family - Dora and Pat Aragon - who received the 2023 Spirit of Holy Cross Award from our United States Province. Join us in front of Church after Mass (or the CSC in case of inclement weather). They were married on Dec. 27, 1952, and from the beginning of their new family on that day have received from God the blessing of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Their lives of faith, hope, and love have inspired us at SJV since our foundation in 1956. Please join me in a word and prayer of congratulations and thanksgiving for Pat & Dora!

May God bless you all this week, see you at Mass,

Fr. David Halm, C.S.C.
