From the Pastor

by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C.  |  09/10/2023  |  Pastor's Letter

Though the temperatures don’t seem to reflect it here in Arizona, we are finally at autumn’s doorstep. For a while now we have been in “new year” mode at the parish and the school as we kick off programs, classes, and ministries. Everyone seems renewed after summer travels and rest - and happy to be together again! Please keep reading our weekly bulletins for information on all the exciting opportunities for prayer, fellowship, catechism, and Christian service here at SJV.

This week we celebrate two very important feast days in the Church: on Thursday we celebrate the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and on Friday Our Lady of Sorrows. These holy days have been honored since ancient times to glorify God for the Sacrifice and Eternal Covenant offered by Jesus on the Cross. As well, we remember Mary, His Sorrowful Mother who stood with Her Son until the end, Her Immaculate Heart pierced by the sword of grief.

For us in the Congregation of Holy Cross they are particularly important. Though our founder, Blessed Father Moreau, named our congregation after the Le Mans, France, neighborhood Sainte-Croix (French for Holy Cross) for obvious reasons the Cross of Jesus has always been central to our spirituality. As well, Father Moreau chose Mary’s title of Our Lady of Sorrows to be our order’s patroness. This means we follow Mary’s example of perseverance and steadfastness in the face of trial and sorrow in our Christian discipleship. The Constitutions of the Congregation of Holy Cross say:

“There stood by the cross of Jesus his mother Mary, who knew grief and was a Lady of Sorrows. She is our special patroness, a woman who bore much She could not understand and who stood fast. To Her many sons and daughters, whose devotions ought to bring them often to Her side, She tells much of this daily cross and its daily hope.” (Constitutions 8.120)

May we all, Holy Cross priests and brothers, as well as parishioners of Goodyear St. John Vianney, come often to Mary’s side and honor these holy days with great prayer and celebration. 

We hope you can join us for the many events and liturgies coming up that we note in our bulletin this week. As well, some important dates on the horizon that you’ll want to put on your calendars are:

Sept 29 - Catholic Night Diamondbacks Game

Oct 6 - SJV Marriage Enrichment Kickoff

Oct 8 - SJV “Welcome Newcomers” Breakfast for new parishioners

God bless you all and let’s keep praying for each other! Remember, the family that prays together stays together!

Fr. David Halm, C.S.C.
