From the Pastor

by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C.  |  08/20/2023  |  Pastor's Letter

Could we possibly hear more comforting words than what Jesus says to the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15? "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish." And the woman's daughter was healed from that hour.” Like her we go to the Lord with our needs and hopes - for ourselves, our loved ones, the whole world - and we know He hears us. In the same Gospel Jesus says “how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him.” (Matthew 7:11)

So here we are. We come to Church. We pray in our homes. We go to our prayer groups. Sometimes we light candles and make novenas. Yet we do not always receive the answer we are praying for - or in the timeframe we hoped for. Do not give up! Jesus loves persistence and we will always receive the blessings our faith promises us through Jesus. Just ask the Canaanite woman!

Our parish Men’s Fellowship is leading the Men’s Retreat next Saturday 8/26 called “St. Joseph: Man of Faith” and we hope the men in our parish will join us. It will be in English and Spanish and provide time for prayer, reflection, and offering our insights to each other. If you’ve been looking for a sign that now is the time to take your faith deeper, this is it! Keep reading for more info.

One of the most important ministries in our parish - by “unsung heroes” - is the Communion Calls ministry that helps bring the Eucharist to the homebound, nursing home residents and hospitalized members of the parish. We have dedicated parishioners going to Abrazo West Hospital, City of Hope (formerly Cancer Treatment Center of America) and the various nursing homes in our community. As well, for those unable to worship with us in-person, for whatever reason, we can bring Holy Communion to you in your home. Thank you to Fr. Tom Lemos, C.S.C., for leading this ministry and the many (13) ministers who help. God bless you for your mercy and devotion!

Congratulations to Fr. Andrew and the other priests who played in the JPII Classic Basketball game last weekend and to our two new instituted Acolytes Bob Solis and Antonio Reynoso. As well, to our various newly baptized baby Christians, welcome to the Church! Let’s keep Bishop Dolan in our prayers as he travels through Africa representing the U.S. Catholic Bishops.

Finally, don’t forget to carve out some time this week as a family to pray and relax together. This time of year gets crazy and the weeks start flying by (and I don’t need to tell you… but thought I’d remind you… the family that prays together, stays together!)

Fr. David Halm, C.S.C., Pastor