16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Fr. David Halm, C.S.C.  |  07/21/2024  |  Pastor's Letter

Every three years our United States Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross meets in a formal Provincial Chapter. This is sort of like a cross between a family meeting and retreat… It is an opportunity for those we elect as delegates to discern the Holy Spirit’s will for us as a religious order.

Decisions can be as fundamental as how we will form our seminarians and new brothers as they prepare for final vows, other decisions are a bit more administrative, like how our voting groups will be organized for future chapter delegates. Our own Fr. Brian Kennedy, CSC, served as a delegate to last month’s Chapter in Pennsylvania.

Importantly, the Provincial Chapter guides our living out of the apostolic mission we have - where we go and how we serve. For example, the delegates voted that:

"The Chapter recommends that the Provincial Administration deepen its collaboration with the Director of Andre House by fostering closer alignment with local Holy Cross apostolates and communities."

As many know, the St. Andre House of Hospitality is in downtown Phoenix and for 40 years has served meals to the homeless. As well, they now provide many other basic services and a clothing closet - as well as spiritual guidance and friendship to those who come to their Open Door. We meet Jesus Christ there in the homeless and hopefully they meet Him, too, in us. It was founded by Holy Cross religious priests and brothers and for the past two years has been led by their fantastic Executive Director Mr. John Delaney. Fr. Brian has been the Chaplain and Pastoral Director while living here in our SJV Rectory.

To best foster the closer alignment between Andre House and our parish that the Chapter recommends, our associate pastor, Fr. Andrew Fritz, CSC, will be assisting regularly at Andre House and Fr. Brian will be assisting more here in the parish. Many parishioners have served as volunteers over the years and we have hosted the Andre House team here on different occasions. Thanks to the new time commitments by Fr. Andrew and Fr. Brian we’ll be collaborating even more closely in the common mission To Know Jesus and to Make Him Known. Please join me in congratulating and thanking Fathers Brian & Andrew on this work.

Congratulations to Brother Roctim Rozario, CSC, and Brother John Draves, CSC, who profess a renewal of their religious vows at the Sunday 5:00 Mass this Sunday. Brother Roctim has been working this summer at Andre House and Brother John has been completing a chaplaincy internship at Banner University Hospital in Phoenix. Praised be Jesus Christ for their vocations!

Have a great week and please be safe. I don’t need to remind anyone that the summer heat and sunshine in Arizona are strong… but God willing (and I believe He does!) the summer heat will turn to an autumn cool breeze in no time at all. In the meantime, let’s keep praying together in our family homes and as a parish. The family that prays together, stays together!